Thursday, June 2, 2011

Swimming Lessons

I cannot post about food for awhile because I have left the comforts of my home (and husband) to make some money.   That is right, I have gone back to California where I am teaching little, adorable children to swim from 9 to 7 every day.

Yes, I am sun burned.

Yes, I am tired.

Yes, my eyes hurt and my voice sounds like I have laryngitis.

YES, I miss Andrew.

And yes, I am having a blast.  I love this job.  The kids are beautiful and cute and hysterical.  I did get peed on once today and spit up on once (I am randomly teaching a lot of babies and that is an occupational hazard) but that just makes me kind of laugh.

Yes, I may have lost my sanity hygienic-ness.

Anyway, maybe there are food posts to come or maybe this is going to be a hungry few weeks.  We shall see.


  1. no way, you went back?! For how many weeks?

  2. can you just stay there for a couple more weeks so I can see you?
